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More than sports CRM software

Capitalize on the power of technology with Sport:80 solutions

We recognize that 'off the shelf' doesn't always work for sport organizations and that's why we custom configure our solutions. Sport:80 isn't your typical technology company; we take the time to understand your organization and deliver solutions that complement the way you work.

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Innovative sports tech backed by the experts

Our highly skilled and dedicated team of experts are with you all the way; from your initial consultation and on-boarding, through launching the Sport:80 Platform for your organization and beyond.

Collectively, our team has decades of experience working in the sports industry - which means you've always got our expertise on your side.

Increase efficiency, generate rich member engagement and improve data analysis

The Sport:80 Platform centralizes core functions, freeing up your sports organisation's time and resources.

From CRM, memberships and event registration to finance management, compliance and automated email communications, the Sport:80 Platform offers incredible functionality for all back office tasks.

USA Weightlifting logo
USA TKD logo
USA Judo logo
USA Archery logo
USA TF logo
USA Climbing logo
USA Water Polo logo
US Speed Skating logo

The Sport:80 Platform's core features

Here's why NGBs and sports organisations choose Sport:80

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Membership Management

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Event Registration

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Event Sanctioning

certifications management

Certifications Management

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Governance & Compliance

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Affiliated Organisation Management

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Customer Relationship Management

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Data Management & Reporting

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Automated Email Communications

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Payments & Invoicing

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Financial Management

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Member Support

Discover how the Sport:80 Platform's core functions can increase revenue and member satisfaction

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We are here to support you in reaching your goals

When you work with Sport:80 you don't just get innovative technology solutions. You get access to a highly skilled and dedicated team of people who want to see you succeed. They are responsible for delivering our service wrap which includes a variety of technical services, as well as training, support, annual audits, webinars and much more.

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Scott Galbreth Director of IT, USA Track & Field

"The Sport:80 Platform is allowing us to make significant improvements to the way we manage a number of our services and how we engage with members. By centralizing our member services, we have been able to aggregate data and access a 360-view of our members. We are also able to create greater levels of engagement because we can offer them a self-service approach to managing their relationship with us. The Platform is scalable, allowing us to work with Sport:80 to introduce new features which continue to improve our digital offering."

Phil Andrews CEO, USA Weightlifting

"One of our major goals as an organization is member satisfaction and the Sport:80 Platform is perfectly suited to support us in achieving this goal. It will enable our members to access their information quickly and in a user-friendly way, and also help them better interact with the National Office."

John Muse High Performance Director, USA Climbing

"Sport:80's reputation in the industry is growing due their work with US NGBs and its easy to see why. Once we had experienced the Sport:80 Platform first-hand we knew that its innovative features would support us in achieving many of the goals we'd set for the coming years. Also, having spoken to peers that already work with Sport:80 we were confident that the support services they provide would be second to none."

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Enhance your digital capabilities

Alongside the comprehensive functionality of the Sport:80 Platform's core features, we offer a host of additional products designed to deliver value across your organization.


Interactive data dashboards including reporting and predictive AI.

Campaign Manager

Our integrated email marketing tool utilizes data hosted within the platform.

Results & Rankings

Bespoke solutions that collect results and automatically implement your schema.

Club Management System

An innovative solution designed to support grassroots organizations.

Mobile Applications

Both ready-made and bespoke app solutions to engage with your audiences.

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Drive transformation and growth through your sport's digital ecosystem

Sport:80 helps your organisation create a network of digital services that will:

1. Create new sources of revenue

Track and analyze comprehensive data flowing through your organization and use it to create new products that your members need and bring value-added services to your sports business.

2. Lower costs through improved business processes

Embracing digital transformation and ecosystem integration platforms results in measurable financial savings, improving workflow efficiency and reducing operational costs.

3. Increase speed of technology adoption

Your sport needs to be at the cutting edge. Make sure your organization keeps up the pace by embracing new technology.

4. Be part of something bigger

Your sport is unique, just like your organization and your members - and you're part of a wider network of passionate sports people, coming together for the good of sport. An environment which promotes healthy, sustainable growth as part of a global ecosystem is one which is both powerful and reassuring.

Create solutions that align with your sport

We recognize that 'off the shelf' doesn't always work for sports organizations - that's why we offer custom configured solutions that deliver against your immediate needs and can evolve to meet your future goals.

We get to know you and your organization's needs, then work with you to put together a solution that's the perfect fit.

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Discover what Sport:80 can do for you

Arrange your live, personalized demonstration to find out how we can help your sports organization flourish.

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